Serina M. Scott, L.Ac.
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine

About Me

Serina uses a wide array of traditional techniques to address many issues. She has over 20 years of experience in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. Acupuncture facilitates your innate healing abilities and can address acute and chronic conditions. Serina has experience with multiple health issues, including complex cases. We frequently address muscle, joint, and nerve pain, as well as fibromyalgia and other chronic pain syndromes, sometimes having an autoimmune component. Traditional Chinese Medicine takes the whole person into account when diagnosing patterns of imbalance. Often there are multiple issues a person is experiencing, that may seem unrelated, but when looked at through the lens of Chinese Medicine, there is a common root. We look to treat the root of the disorders, restoring health to the whole person. Acupuncture and Herbal medicine can address issues in all the body systems, including circulatory, digestive, hormonal, metabolic, and reproductive for example. It is also wonderful and addressing emotional stress

Serina provides free phone consultations about your concerns to determine the best healing path. VA Community Care, Private Insurance, Private pay. Sliding scale for those in need. Time of Service discounts available. Good Faith Estimate provided on request.